Since I'm falling behind on my updates and the last two days sort of ran together anyway I'm combining today and yesterday for this update.
Main project these days was getting the woven wire fencing connected and stretched tight. There are special tools, called fence stretchers, of course, for that; plus the tractor. The pasture perimeter now has six different sections, with space for a gate between each.
It seems our social distancing circle is expanding slowly as things are opening up. Liz Jo, who lived here for six years and provided coverage when we were away, has returned to the farm for a couple weeks, so she helped a little with the fence; Breanna, one of my adult students came out for a day to help, and Aiden, a local adult who started volunteering at Mesa Farm as a teenager around 10 years ago is back in the area and he's helped with the fence on numerous occasions over the past few weeks. For those of you getting tired of "fencing reports", we're getting there! Still need to do the 2500 lineal feet of white rails, the smooth electric wire, the 84 steel posts, the gates, etc....
From a riding lesson perspective: We're all being pretty careful of the Covid-19 risk and although it sounds like we have accomplished the goal of flattening the curve in central MA it doesn't mean it's "all clear" on that front.
We're preparing for when the state dept. of agriculture allows riding lessons to begin again. We don't know when we'll actually start; but if you're one of my students and you don't hear from me in the next few days please contact me so I get you back on the list. Hoping to start lessons around the middle of June.
First photo: Aiden and I; wrapping wires to connect the fence once it's been tightened. Between all the splices and end connections it took 260 individual splices to get the fence all connected. That doesn't sound like it should be too difficult....
Second photo: This is the little $3.50 tool that you use to wrap the end wire around the main wire several times for each connection. Good thing I bought two of them because one is missing; I'll probably find it in my insulated jeans or a sweatshirt next fall.
It also looks like I need to wash my hands before supper...